July 21st - July 24th, 2011
Grandiloquent (GL) 0711's smart partnership with
CROWNS 10/11
I am addicted to cerita 'New Boy' yang Hazen tulis. And bila dapat tahu that we'll be going to RMC, rasa macam pehhh unbelievable. Cehceh.
First day, July 21st
The programme started around 1820H when the STF students arrived. I was quite shocked, bila
nampak the boys were waiting for us, berdiri kiri kanan corridor. A warm welcome from RMC :) but then bayangkan betapa penatnya pacemaker when we had to pass through the 236 (kot) of them to get to our hostel. Gila segaaan sumpah. Rasa macam sopan habis dah gua jalan tunduk je. Pehh -.-' and ohh dapat dorm untuk ketua kompeni Hotel rasanya. 9 orang dalam tu.
I was in the same group with Shiro and Syu together with SP (read : Senior Putra) Syamil, SP Raja, SP Asyraff, SP Afif and SP Satish for Chemistry and Physics.
They were very friendly. It was nice to rant with them.
Biology with Apip, Dayang, Wani Elle, SP Addey, SP Akashah, SP Zain and SP Kogu. mula mula macam segan nak tegur sebab tengok diorang pun macam senyap. Apip dgn chikaa je
kot yang banyak bersembang. But then start second slot for Bio mcm dah boleh get along. Sumpah nak cari gambar Manda dengan Addey berdiri sebelah. Muka sama wehh :O
Second day, 1630H.
Riadah. Each class kena buat satu aktiviti. They got rowing, abseiling, cycling, merempuh
halangan, basketball and volleyball. 5F kena merempuh halangan. Hell no aku nak buat walaupun
teringin lah jugaak. But i didnt want to take the risk. Ada kena crawling bagai semua tu kaan.
Nanti injured balik. Haih.
So i chose basketball. Which the probability for my knee to be dislocated balik was higher. Haha.
Passion kaan. Biarlah ;) Ayie bagitau Shinbei yang kitorang nak friendly and he told the boys. First
to score was Ami. 3 points. The boys were like whoaed. Sebab they didnt expect girls could play
like that kot. Haha.
Bias lah tapi.
Coach diorang tak bagi diorang lay up, sebab takut rempuh kitorang. And they also couldnt shoot dekat dalam. Tapi Dynamites boleh buat semua. It was fun. Kitorang tak defend pun. Memang tak lah kaaan nak defend boys.
Third day, July 23rd.
slot Chemistry.
Done revising, lepak dengan Satish and Farid. Dengar diorang cerita pasal hantu RMC nenek tua hutan fly sickbay apa ntah lagi. Pehh. Hardcore bagai kaan compared dengan green lady sbp
-.- hambar.
Haha. Trademark rmc. Apa ntah lagi. Skendo. Sabo. Claim. Collect kosai. Err tu je sempat belajar ._.
Nak abseiling D: nak kayak S: dapat cycling :| tapi boleh tahan lah. Encik Korporal Sporting bawak pusing UPNM. It has been five years since the last time i rode a bicycle. Pehh.
Semenjak masuk STF, balik pun jarang kaan. Mana ada masa cycling semua ni.
Encik Korporal Sporting bawak pergi tengok abseiling, kayak, rugby. But i hated the part yang nak
naik balik bukit back to RMC -..- effin tired. Sempuuut.
Boys and girls were required to assemble at the basketball court. Ada seorang Encik Muka Garang, commander (ke commandant?) kot suruh boys bagi space untuk kitorang between diorang.
Then dia suruh diorang cheer. Pehh. Kena balas.
Guna cheer sambal-ikan-bilis-apa-ntah aku tak dapat tangkap -.- sejak bila kaan batch cheer pakai cheer house. Spontan.
Macam berbalas pantun rasa, diorang reply guna hakka pulak. Tak faaair.
But they were awesome (Y)
Not long after that, ada truck sampai. DURIAAAAN walaweyh ! *muka excited. Encik Muka Garang
si Commander suruh the boys bukak kan then serve kitorang. I sat at the middle of the crowd
melantak durian. Yang depan pass durian ke belakang. Yang belakang pass ke depan. Apekah?
So aku dengan nad mengambil tindakan bijak stopkan pergerakan traffic durian tu. Haa.
Bersila mengadap durian pehh. Mantap. Tapi macam siod punya formmate. Dah habis makan
durian tu, buang kulit dgn biji dekat sebelah aku dengan nad. Tafak wehh. Boys yang bawak durian nak bagi kitorang tak jadi bila nampak kulit berterabur dekat sebelah. Shitto. Segan. It was as if
kitorang yang makan semua tu -..- choi. Tapi memang banyak pun aku makan. Teehee :D
Interaction / social night.The Commandant sang us a song. Sporting gila kaaan :O rasa macam nak
request bonda nyanyi je tp umpama menunggu aku dapat first in form. Which means never =.=
RMC band entertained us while we were having dinner. Followed by STF band performing 'Bencinta'. The boys were wow-ed. Again. To see Azera and Mai playing the drum and guitar. Boys, do not underestimate us okay ;) And also a group of boys shuffled. and this time, they wow-ed us. Bila ada yang backflip semua tu. Pehh. Mantap.
Favourite show of the night : Foxstrot's.
You guys were damn hillarious. Until ada satu part yang sensitivity cavity -.- nahh. It was nothing pun actually. Tapi sebab our teachers were there, watching too, we didnt want them to assume that we were like that. Serious. Dah tanya Nad, and dia cakap tak kisah pun, tapi sebab ada cikgu. you guys dont know macamana cikgu kitorang. Sigh.
Tapi korang buat aku tak laraaaat. Bila ramai-ramai in line dekat basketball court menghadap blok yang kitorang duduk, tiba tiba ada announcement asking for our apology, lepastu boys yang dekat bawah entah berapa kali tah ulang " Kami mintak maaf ". No hard feeling kay, Crowns? :)
Last day, 1130H.
Group picture.
Lawak betul group 33 punya gambar. Bajet formal habis -.-' haha. Lawak kot actually. Semua Karan ah punya idea.Tiba-tiba tarik kerusi suruh kitorang duduk depan diorang. Ceh.
After that, class picture, 5 IOTA. Combined dengan the other three groups. Meriah.
Lunch time.
The boys were allowed to dismiss earlier than the girls. They lined up dekat the same corridor yang diorang sambut kitorang, and each of them pegang rose. Lorong macam kecik gila. Memang kena jalan one by one. Aku jadi si gadis pemalu yang sopan balik -.-' Bila kitorang jalan, they sang us a song. Lagu perpisahan apa tah then hulur the rose dekat whoever yang diorang nak bagi. Okay, aku tak larat lagi. Then luggage semua boys angkatkan pergi dekat bas. And tangkap gambar jugak. Tak sukaa :/ berdiri sebelah diorang rasa macam budak tadika. Kecik kerdil kemetot kontot pendek terbantut semua ada.
Conclusion. I gained knowledge and experience as well. Like what SP Amir posted, the best souvenir that anyone can give is experience :) And boys, thanks a lot for the precious memory.
May we all succeed in our SPM.
GL, class of 2011.
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